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What is UPlift?

UPlift is our re-envisioned fundraiser—a virtual video/talent contest that aims to honor our original in-person events—Benefit Walk and Walk-A-Block for Autism while ‘rona guidelines are in place. Our goal is to lift everyone’s spirits as we also raise replacement funds for our two events which together raise $80,000 for One Vision’s Employment Solutions and our Children’s Autism Center.  

Coming together to share who we are.

These past months have revealed the stark reality of what life without One Vision would look like for hundreds of individuals we serve across North Central Iowa. Gainful employment bestows feelings of pride and accomplishment. During the shutdown this spring and again this July, many of the people we support have been furloughed or faced reduced hours—for a second time. These challenges are being felt across the country. Like many of us, they experience feelings of isolation, anxiety, depression and separation from their usual daily routine. One Vision strives to Connect People with Purpose, to see progress on dreams or goals they want to achieve. Thankfully, our dedicated Job Coaches at One Vision’s Employment Solutions are working diligently to provide the supports needed to lift up their spirits and encourage resiliency in this time of great uncertainty.  

Resiliency runs deep in One Vision.

Families who receive life-changing therapy and services from our Children’s Autism Center see the effects resiliency has on their lives every day: “They’ve given us the tools; I have every tool I need here. I’m able to see who Joey is—he speaks what’s on his mind, has compassion for others, and trusts in other people. He’s a social butterfly, class clown, LOVES music, dancing and learning.” — Sabrina, Joey’s Mom

Since March, kids like Joey and their families haven’t able to get their regular services and therapy from the CAC. Months of progress have been lost—a glimpse of what life was like for these families before the Children’s Autism Center opened its doors.

Want to join the UPlift? It’s as easy as 1-2-3!!

  1. Create Your Video:  Have fun with it, express yourself! Check out our prize categories below for ideas
  2. Upload & Set a Goal: Add a profile picture so friends and family know they’re “voting” for you! 
  3. Share: Use your “Stage Page” to let your social circle know why you’re passionate about raising money for One Vision.

Come see the videos people are sharing, donate or upload your own!